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Hey darlin!
Just saw your rub ons movie .. TOO freakin cute you are! :)
Loved hearing your voice again.
Actually it made me teary, it did!!
Hear you re the clean house thang.
best creative juices flowing for tomorrow.



I hear your music .... its a busy stage of life!


Heidi, the expectations on working mothers is madness. If it weren't for your little blog you would rarely get a pat on the back for your ability to manage the daily duties of running a house and looking after children, as well as having a sucessful career. I hope your husband appreciates your efforts and YOU appreciate what a superwoman you have to be to combine work commitments with parental and domestic responsibilities. I live in remote country Australia and believe me with the exception of your fame, what you are going through is universal!. Take care.


You're juggling a lot of balls Heidi and I don't know how you do it! I agree, you need some HOME days for sure. Hope you get some rest and relaxation..now I'm off to see the little rub on movie!

We sure enjoyed seeing you at Ruban Rouge!



have just watched your video .. and yes I did have a chuckle, you are a sweet gal and have a great sense of humour! I enjoyed it - take care (btw - you don't look pregnant) luv Chanel

Rachel  a.ka. Lunchlady (2peas)

Yep, I totally get what you are saying! I think of it as a trade off....I can't get scrap assignments done and cook dinner....it just doesn't happen in my house. But I do always seem to be more productive in the creative department when I don't feel so overwhelmed by the laundry monster that is growing out of the laundry room. Those are the days at the end you are due one huge yell of "I am woman, hear me roar!" Seriously! I'm not half as busy as I'm sure you are and it is an inspiration to see you be so successful!
Now off to check out the video......
here's to another productive day for ya!!


S*O*U*R- i can't get your video to work & everyone is posting how cute it is (which i had no doubt)
anyway, balance. it is a continual juggling act! i can't imagine all the "balls" you are trying to keep up in the air.
you ARE successful in the area of homemaker and business. remember success does NOT mean perfection...so give that sensitive, caring heart of yours a break. (and a little rest for that body of yours can't hurt either!
you are L*O*V*E*D by many miss heidi swapp!


Hey girl..remember to take time for you, too! You've got a little one that's taking lots of your energy right now....congrats on the cleaning! I can't stand chores. Blah. But, now you can create with a clear mind!



Wow, I can't imagine being as busy as you are! You are amazing to be able to keep up with everything the way you do...and you're pregnant!!! Amazing!


Life is about choices. Some days I do the laundry; some days it can wait (no one is going around nekked or in dirty clothes). ;) Cut yourself a little slack! It takes energy to do all you are doing and doing darn well BTW. Looking forward to seeing you next month in Alabama, and hoping to have my scrapbook supplies organized enough to contain to one room. DH is pretty good about the fact that we haven't seen the top of the dining room table in 2 months and are forced to eat either standing at the counter or on the couch. Actually, it's just part of my plan not to cook as much (leaves more time for scrapping!). ;)


I understand! We just got back from a very cold trip to Buffalo back to very wonderfully weathered Florida and I have so much to unpack and do! Try to relax some as hard as it may be! Baby Swapp needs some downtime! :)

Donna M.

Heidi, I still can't get your video to run. I've got the usual bells and whistles on my computer and can download most stuff. Any recommendations? I'm anxious to master the rub-ons (love'em, love'em, love'em - but not fond of actually using them)

Vicki Jackson

Who ever came up with the idea that moms should be out there working ought to be shot!!! There is no such thing as balance... either home is caught up or work is caught up... I have learned to accept if I want it all I can have it but not on the same day!!!

Kim Bolyard

I want to know your secret for doing all those things at home in one day...please share, I need to do that too!!!!

Kim Bolyard


You have such an amazingly busy life. Glad you got to have a home day, we all need those, hope you get many more. Look after yourself.

deb munn

Good for you Heidi!
You're far ahead of me!!
I did manage to get my scrap area somewhat neatened up, but that's as far as I got.
Hope your next day is just as good ;)

charlene m

Yeah for HOME days! Nice to know there are people out there juggling it ALL in some way shape or form!

Karla Grant

Totally relate. I was home yesterday and woke up fully intending to do laundry, clean & scrapbook, but a 2year old and a 13 week old had other plans. My son does not want me to put him down, and if I do he screams bloody murder and my daughter doesn't help the situation because she makes messes faster than I can clean them up. CRAZY!


that is great hiedi
sometimes you just have to make a stand for yourself and the welbeing of the house.
i know you will get the works stuff done as it seems you always do.


sounds like you had a good day. And it sounds like nothing you didn't get done can't wait - the sun will still rise in the morning, ads or no ads.

Enjoy your HOME day!

Sharon Kile

If I lived nearby I would do all of the housework for you. Payment of course would be in the form of chipboard:) In all reality though the HOME stuff can sometimes be mentally relaxing. Umm do you have an assistant to help you? I don't know how you can be all over the map, take care of home, family and work. You are good girl...

Bonnie Rose K

Heidi, I so love your style. been using ur big flowers in so many of my layouts lately.. i simply love em!
Sounds like you have a busylife,.. but really don't we all? It really is a matter of choices.
Sometimes we just need to pause and take time for US. forget the phones, the msges, the deadlines.
Life can wait.
Your sanity can't.


Love this post! You said everything I have been feeling! Thanks!


Good for you! Sounds like you definitely made the right {choice} by getting caught up on the household duties & hanging with the kiddos. No matter how much our business life tugs on us, a woman needs days like the one you had so you feel fulfilled & satisfied....the emails, phone calls, deadlines, etc. can wait. ;-)


Love the video, understand how to do rub ons better although didn't have much problems but did hear complaits on other sites. For those who can get video to run I couldn't either until I turned off my norton security, not sure why but it worked. Give it a try. Get some rest Heidi when you can, my daughter just had a baby girl On March 14th! Enjoy while you can! Love all your design and everything you do!

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