wow... i am in awe, and just overwhelmed and touched with your generosity and enthusiasm for supporting this awesome cause...Teresa and i are thrilled!! (and plotting our next Nourish the Children idea)! thank you thank you thank you!
we are looking at trying to create more kits, so if you would like to be placed on a waiting list, feel free to email me!
so watch here for some fun kit ideas and inspirations for using the contents of the kit in the next 2 weeks! Kits will be shipping out on Dec. 10th...
again... THANK YOU!!.......this morning we raised enough money to feed 4,500 hungry kids!
how AWESOME is that?? feels amazing.
ps: if anyone is interested in giving to Nourish the Children...or find out more about this amazing group and effort... please email me! if individuals or businesses are looking for charitable opportunities... you can contact me as well. it's such a wonderful place to give.