lots on my mind. i think that summer is an impossible thing to balance it all. i love summer, and i think that i know how precious it is, how quickly the time fades--wanting to live it all to the fullest... and appreciating the care-free-ness of it all; but then there is the ever present other side of the coin-- the responsibilites. i don't want to miss anything, or neglect anything- there is so many exciting things: prepping for 'my craft channel' episodes; working on my presentations for Creative Escape which will be here in a blink!; designing my FRESH new website...and a whole new line up of new products... developing some new classes, and organizing those kits... and all those things take a back seat to my demanding 4-year old that wants pudding and chicken nuggets... and my new 5 year-old who wants me to go for a bike ride, and find a friend... and my 10-year-old crying cause she doesn't understand her math, and needs me to watch her do tricks on the tramp.. and my boys that need to be driven to friends, and con me into ordering stuff for them online... and where can you really plug in the exercise, and the meal planning, and the house cleaning. so i am feeling the pressure. i like this photo of me- it managed to catch a genuine smile. i think that it's good to see yourself with a big smile, and remember... and then channel it! smiles are contageous-
have a great day...here's to the elusive pursuit of summer balance...